Monday, May 11, 2009

My sisters first Mothers Day!

Yesterday was my younger sisters very first Mother's Day and to commemorate it we took some pictures, well, a lot of pictures of her sweet little boy who's nearly seven months old! The results were insanely adorable, too cute for words and just plain precious! That nephew of mine is darn near angelic, he's beautiful and thankfully, he's a ham for the camera too! I got some incredibly "awww" inspiring pictures of him in the buff, but because my sister is (rightfully) weary of sharing too much on the internet, so you won't be seeing those here, but if you know her, ask her to see them, they're really, really cute!

But, here's what I can share with you! Stunning blue eyes, darling expressions and a little baby boy who's growing so darn fast!

Angelic right? He looks so innocent, you wouldn't know by looking at him that he peed, pooped and puked all over my nice white background paper right? No worries, it was just a practice background anyway, I'll be getting new ones in the near future, and it was worth a few little stains to get such good pictures, I'd do it again anyway little guy, any day, just tell your mom to pack the diaper bag and come on over!


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